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fitness center

Well-being and recreation

Get fit at the Gates Center.

The Gates Center, a 173,000-square-foot, trilevel facility located on the northeast side of campus, is home to our fitness center. Memberships are available for students, faculty, staff, retirees, alumni, student and employee spouses, and community members.

Hours of Operation, 2024 (August 26th – May 12th)

 Monday–Thursday: 6:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.   

 Friday 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
 Saturday: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
 Sunday: 12:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.

Closed on campus holidays

Spring Break 2025 (March 10-16)

 Monday–Friday: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.   
 Saturday: 8:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
 Sunday: 12:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

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WellRec app mockup

Mobile app

Just search for PFW WellRec.

Find our app in the App Store or Google Play to gain access to your digital ID, register for fitness classes, check gym-hour updates, sign up for intramural sports, and more.


Ready to take the next step on your wellness journey?

Join the fitness center today to take advantage of everything we have to offer. 

Purchase a Membership

Membership TypeAnnualMonthly
Currently Enrolled StudentFreeFree
Spouse/Partner of Enrolled Student$60$12
Dependent of Enrolled Student (age 18 to 25 and living in the same residence)$24$8

Please note the following information about fitness center memberships:

  • A parent or guardian must have a membership for a dependent to obtain a membership.
  • Currently enrolled students memberships run congruent with the academic year.
  • Annual memberships run 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • Monthly memberships run one month from the date of purchase.

Membership TypeAnnualMonthly
Faculty, Staff, and Retirees*$60$12
Spouse/Partner of Faculty and Staff$60$12
Dependent of Faculty and Staff (age 18 to 25 and living in the same residence)$24$8

*Department of Intercollegiate Athletics employees, im体育 Police, and Well-Being and Recreation staff are exempt from the membership fee. Additionally, US military personnel on leave from overseas duty may use the facility for free. Nonactive-duty personnel can purchase a membership under the faculty, staff, and retiree rates.

Please note the following information about fitness center memberships:

  • A parent or guardian must have a membership for a dependent to obtain a membership.
  • To utilize any fitness center facilities and purchase memberships or guest passes, guests must be at least 18 years old and have a valid ID.
  • Annual memberships run 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • Faculty and staff can purchase an annual membership with payroll deduction. These memberships automatically renew each year unless Human Resources and Office of Institutional Equity receives notice to discontinue.
  • Monthly memberships run one month from the date of purchase.

Membership TypeAnnualMonthly
Spouse/Partner of Alumni$160$15
Dependent of Alumni (age 18 to 25 and living in the same residence)$24$8

Please note the following information about fitness center memberships:

  • A parent or guardian must have a membership for a dependent to obtain a membership.
  • To utilize any fitness center facilities and purchase memberships or guest passes, guests must be at least 18 years old and have a valid ID.
  • Annual memberships run 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • Monthly memberships run one month from the date of purchase.

Membership TypeAnnualMonthly
Students Attending Another Institution$200$20

Please note the following information about fitness center memberships:

  • A family membership includes an individual, spouse/partner, and dependents (age 18 to 25) living in the same residence.
  • To utilize any fitness center facilities and purchase memberships or guest passes, guests must be at least 18 years old and have a valid ID.
  • Annual memberships run 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • Monthly memberships run one month from the date of purchase.

A daily admission fitness center guest pass is available for $5. To utilize any fitness center facilities and purchase memberships or guest passes, guests must be at least 18 years old and have a valid ID. 

Refunds for membership fees require the approval of the fitness center manager. The following are viable reasons for refund approval:

  • Change in employment status
  • Relocation
  • Medical conditions (may include family medical leave) prohibiting or substantially limiting the use of preferred programs, facilities, or services

Refund requests must be in writing. Any refund that is approved will be prorated. Refund requests submitted midway or later through a membership will not be approved. Final decisions for refunds will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 

Exercise Options

Ways to stay active.

The fitness center has a variety of choices to hone your fitness—a cardiovascular-conditioning area, a newly renovated weight room, and access to group classes and personal training. And beyond the fitness center, there’s even more. You can walk the indoor track, shoot hoops with friends on the basketball courts, and if you want to take your exercise outside, you can take a stroll along the trails, work out on equipment that dots the campus, or head to the tennis courts to work on your backhand.

Student exercising
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What you need to know.

Footwear must be athletic, soft soled, nonmarking, and closed toe. Shoes must have a heel or heel strap. Socks and backless shoes are prohibited. Sandals are allowed when entering and exiting the facility, but not allowed while working out. Make sure shoes are free of debris before entering the facility. Tops and bottoms are required at all times, in all areas. Clean, appropriate athletic attire must cover the breasts and buttocks. Attire that could cause damage to equipment is prohibited. The fitness center staff will determine if there is a question regarding footwear or workout apparel. 

Enter and exiting of the fitness center is done through the east and west hallway doors and doors by the customer-service check-in desks. Do not enter or exit the fitness center areas through any other door.  

Allowing anyone into the facility through means other than presenting their official university ID card, or other authorized and recognized card, is deemed “unauthorized entry” and actionable through PFW’s Student Code of Conduct (Part II B.6). We will follow the disciplinary process described in Part III.B of the Student Code for both students and community members.

No food is allowed in the fitness center. All drinks must be kept in a sealed bottle. Please inform staff of any spills. No chalk is allowed in the fitness center. Use headphones while listening to personal music; no Bluetooth or personal speakers are allowed. Offensive or profane language is prohibited. No one is allowed to videotape in the fitness center without staff and the person(s) being taped granting permission. Rerack your weights and return all accessories to their proper locations. Wipe down equipment before and after every use; cleaning stations are located throughout the fitness center.

Be patient while waiting for a machine and ask to ”work in.“ Allow others to ”work in.“ Do not sit on the machines aimlessly. Please do not use cell phones while resting on machines. Only fitness center staff is allowed to move machines. Equipment should not be removed from spaces to be used in other spaces. Abuse or misuse of equipment will not be tolerated. Abuse or misuse of equipment is prohibited. Equipment that is repeatedly broken will not be fixed or replaced. Please inform staff of any broken or damaged equipment. Ask staff if you do not know how to use the equipment. Be respectful of fitness center staff, as well as other members working out.

Weight Room Rules|
Weight Room Rules
Field House Rules
Field House Rules
Studio Room Rules |
Studio Room Rules
Cardio Room Rules
Cardio Room Rules